Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The essence of our worry

To expand off of what I said before about everyone wanting to be this ONE significantly normal/perfect human being (we only feel perfect when normal), we'll never be that. And that is because everyone has uniquities and essential characteristics that separates them from being seen as perfectly normal.

THe idea, i suppose, is to have mostly normal traits and characteristics and philosophies so that you can get along with everyone or be more likely to get along with new people and be accepted.

But the truth is that none of us will ever be normal or perfect. And because of that we'll blow each mistake out of proportion thinking we're orchestrating our own doom because we fail a test or argue with our parents for an extensive period of our lives. In truth, even those things happen to a lot of people, but since it isn't the way that you hear successful people you meet experiencing life, you think its bad and an indication of the worst ofthings to come.

But its not. Its just your mind approximating the future according to what you've already experienced. And for that reason, it really doesn't fucking matter. THe ultimate goal is to take those instances and learn what to do to avoid them. Not so you can be perfect, but so that your life can be more of what you want. Its also best to keep in mind that you don't have to ace every test or love every waking moment with a parent or sibling or friend, but you should be able to tell when people or other things are keeping you unhappy. Then its about making a decision about what to keep from the outside world as well as your own mind. Easier written than said than done, but its the only way to know you'll be who you are.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The sad reality of sexism lies in the fact that a woman's ultimate goal is to be useful.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The sky

Looks bluer when you fuck the order of the day or the way the shelves are meant to fit.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What sounds to you like a big load of trashy old noise....

is in fact... the brilliant music of a genius... myself. And that music is so powerful, that it's quite beyond my control. And, ah... when I'm in the grips of it, I don't feel pleasure and I don't feel pain, either physically or emotionally. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Have you ever, have you ever felt like that? When you just, when you just, you couldn't feel anything, and you didn't want to either. You know, like that?
-Iggy Pop

The epitome of music lies in the artist's expression. Their getting of a feeling out. There are so many ways to falsify the expression, make it showy, make it pretentious, put too much into certain parts, or just plain old sound dumb. If nothing else, you have to respect metal musicians for the full on projectile approach they have to giving their all to a sound that was once in their head.