Thursday, April 29, 2010

Metal for your motherfucker!

If you're a fan of the dudes in Gaza, at times wished they weren't half grindcore, half mathcore, half everything else, then you should check out the bands some of the members have played in.

Bird Eater - Utah


Pilot This Plane Down - Glory of the World


Day of Less - Porcaria


Great music.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fuck Jay-z for transferring the ideals of the rich, porcelain skinned fools that beset him and childhood friends in troublesome conditions in order to inadvertently perpetuate those ideals and the misfortune that will forever cause the youth in poverty to spring up hope in themselves through sports and rap unless they should feel those are impossibilities and chose to commit crimes which once again transfer the ideals of the rich about comfort and acquiring money (over women which have been reduced to the title of 'bitches') and buying fresh and clean shit that they don't need only to forget that they are still poor, a minority, and will never truly be rich.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Do you feel lost?

"...we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times. perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless."

- The SHeltering Sky

Neurosis - Lost

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Morrissey Effect

as defined by the DSM IV: inspiring an individual to feel so alone that they wonder if they should even continue living, then comforting them with a joke or the genuine honesty of that which depressed them in the first place.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh fuck me, sweet jesus, FUCK ME!!!!

Found this band on Sputnik's list of new releases for the year. Apparently its a mix of Black Metal and Sludge, but all I'm hearing is Rwake, Deadbird, and some post hardcore-esque dissonance. Shit is kickin', son.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You pledge allegiance to your dick and to the pussy for which it stands?

My professor was talking about feminism and Barbara Kruger who would put words on pictures and adverts to emphasize the deeper meaning in them that affects the viewer in an often unconscious way.

And basically some quote, not sure if she said it or not, basically said that the people who own and perpetuate businesses reinforce their own morals and beliefs, ultimately transferring them to individuals who don't necessarily have the same opportunities as them.

What struck me then was that regardless if there's a specific group of people colluding named the illuminati, there are people who have more money than the majority of their costumers and to sell anything to their customers, they have to create items with value, though that too is often constructed.

Therefore everyone's buying their identity and no one wants to rupture the system because everyone has been conditioned to think in accordance with it and find ways, within that system, to justify their pain and difficulties. So now even the poor make life long efforts to become socialized and chase money. ANd then you have people who become entertainers who reinforce these ideals as well (Fuck Jay-Z).

Basically we have very little control over who we become. Even managing to become someone who is conscious of all of this isn't likely to happen to the average adult.

Fuck. That. SHit.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Give me hardcore or give me fucking death.

Life Long Tragedy - Sweet innocence

I walk through the darkest rooms
Full of gloom and minds like mazes
And rejoice 'cause I'll be the voice
Of your failure fucking generation
Still don't belong to anyone
This is a life of hesitation
And we'd all trade one night to remember
For the years we've carelessly wasted
Big dreams and half full drinks
A few pills in your guts
So now it's easy to think or breathe
And true love was just a marketed ploy
So guys can hit their lines
And girls can grab their boys
Sweet innocence with loser's luck
I know you think you're giving love
But you're just getting fucked
Guess what?
I looked and you know what I found?
That you can't expect to trust this world
When you can't even trust yourself
And your head starts to spin
As you dance to the beat
Because tomorrow isn't promised
But it's sure as fuck is coming
And your body starts to shake
As you sing in the streets
Because it's cold outside
So you better start running
Don't count on me to save your life
When I've never had
A clear enough perspective on mine
And I know things change
we'll go our separate ways
And alive is the only thing
It seems we've stayed lately
And the truth isn't always easy to believe
You walk alone to the sound of your own heartbeat
And I know it's not always so easy to see
But we are still all so fucking beautiful to me

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

few things

Attraction is a reaction. Not every reaction is a reflex.

Planet of the Apes

had some brilliant writing:

"Beware the beast man,
for he is the devil's pawn. "

"Alone among God's primates,

he kills for sport or lust or greed. "

"Yea, he will murder his brother
to possess his brother's land. "

"Let him not breed in great numbers,

for he will make a desert
of his home and yours. "

"Shun him. "

"Drive him back into his jungle lair. "

"For he is the harbinger of death. "

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Times are gone for honest men

And sometimes far too long for snakes.
-Cornell, Chris "The God"

At some point, now or centuries into the future, we have to acknowledge the frivolity of the challenges we create. Though we are triumphant, and heroes, and geniuses, and masters of our destinies when we overcome them, they too take away fundamental qualities of life that everyone deserves. And then the only way to help those who need so greatly those very basic, and stolen, joys is to disrupt the very facades we built in the first place. This inevitably ends up being what no one wants to do, because no life is perfect if its lived based on the notion that acceptance is key to sustenance.

Which leads me to my next point, which is the very basis of our doom. To have any faith in humanity is to step aside and out of one's self and believe in a beautiful future our logic, if used in full capacity, could never actually fathom.

We could all eat, but even poor people take too much food. WE could all love, but even people who marry the person of their dreams cheat. We could all have homes, but everyone wants a little more room to pack more shit in.

And each underlying philosophy and ideology that drives what we are motivated to be angered about wrong by is based on the idea that "if everyone would just do it...we'd be fine."

Christians say this, atheists and theists say this, fucking liberals say this, republicans, every fucking group of people amassed with some collective interpretation of reality says this. But these perceptions always have opposition, therefore we will fight each other whether or not we wipe out all life on earth simply because we can't fucking agree on how to live and care for one another. Nor can we love each other without being in perfect unison regarding what it is we live for.

So yea, Black Hole Sun, Sagittarius A*, if you could swallow this poor planet sinking too slowly, I'd be grateful.

Monday, April 12, 2010

our pain unites us far mroe than our joys.

No one ever started a revolution because they thought everything was fine.

And no one started a revolution alone.

But alone I am.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Religions are conclusions for which the facts of nature supply no major premises.

-Ambrose Bierce

Its hopeless

Seriously. I scour for depressing music, for music that takes the sting out of life away and I've rarely found artists that somehow put the sting back into it, and also deepen the wound. Cop Shoot Cop does that perfectly. Tod Ashley, the singer and songwriter of the band, honestly makes me worry for people I'll never even meet. And pretty much makes me want to weep for humanity at large. Lyrics like those of Room 429 ('What you don't understand, is where everything's leading. When all of the signs you see still point to overload.') certainly make me question if I should even listen to hopeless music or read/hear depressing words at all simply because its so extreme.

Enough about that fucking depressed shit, the band also has some groovy instrumentals. Brooding bass lines and melancholic (lol we're back to depression) guitar riffs that give each song a sense of completion, as if there were no rocks unturned in the garden of town criers.

Both the Ask Questions Later and Release that I uploaded have a bunch of extra tracks. Not sure if its a deluxe edition or if the original version I downloaded from Pyschotic Leisure Music just had a bunch of fucking extra shit, but it'll make sure you've got enough to listen to from this shortlived band for a while.

Tod also plays in Firewater currently. The misanthropy is just as prevalent there as it was in Cop Shoot Cop. So check them out too.

White Noise


Ask Questions Later

Friday, April 9, 2010

I don't give a fuck

I do but I can't.

Because I like repeating myself.

Pitchfork: I know you're interested in visions and dreams, and that you sometimes record other people's visions and dreams for your montage pieces. Do you remember many of your own?

Jeff: I did have a vision about a year ago that had an impact on me.

Pitchfork: What was it?

Jeff: Well, I was lying in bed slowly coming out of sleeping, and this voice in my head told me to go back in; to not quite wake up yet, but just to stay in that in-between place. So I did. I slipped back down and stayed in the halfway point. Then I was standing on the ocean. I saw a blur come around, from my right side to my left. It was a hand putting something next to me. When I looked closer I saw that what the hand had put there was a little sea turtle. I looked up to see who had put it there, and there was this mulatto boy looking at me, smiling. I picked up the sea turtle and put in my hand and it turned into a butterfly. And then it turned into a black spider. It kept turning into a butterfly, a spider, a butterfly, a spider. It would pulsate between the two. I put my hands around it to grasp it and blood ran out of my hands and fell into the sand. Then as I let go of it, the blood rose up from the sand and turned again into the butterfly/spider. It hovered about a foot above my hand, and turned into a little ball of light. So that whole sequence repeated two or three times: it would land back in my hand, turn into a creature, and when I tried to hold it, it would crush again into blood, and when I would let go the blood would rise back up and turn into a ball of light.

Pitchfork: Do you know what it means?

Jeff: Yes, I pretty much understood it right away. I didn't have to analyze it afterwards. The butterfly and the spider represented two opposing sides: all the things that I love and consider to be beautiful and gentle and wonderful, and all the things that threaten me... the things about life that I can't come to terms with because they don't fit into my nice, happy picture of the way I want the world to be. It kept morphing back and forth to show me that they're both one and the same; they're dependent on one another to exist. When I tried to grasp at either what I love or what I hate, I destroyed the very ability of being able to really penetrate the essence of either. By trying to understand it, I would just crush it. But when I let go and let it be what it was, it would turn into light to show me that both sides come from the same source. I think the vision was trying to tell me to just live and be joyful and stop creating these internal wars over all the pain that is within myself and that I see all around me. That's how I interpret it.


Jeff: I went through a period, after Aeroplane , when a lot of the basic assumptions I held about reality started crumbling. I think that before then, I had an intuitive innocence that guided me and that was a very good thing to a certain point. But then I realized that, to a large degree, I had kept my rational mind at bay my whole life. I just acted on intuition in terms of how I related to life. At some point, my rational mind started creeping in, and it would not shut up. I finally had to address it and confront it. I think most intelligent people, at a younger age than I have, begin to question some of the fundamental assumptions our society promotes. But me, I just rejected it without even considering it.

I feel like we're so limited by the context at which we look at life. The way we look at who we're supposed to be and how we're supposed to love... everything. I feel like that, in and of itself, is a project of a lifetime: the problem of how to break out of the limiting context that is imposed upon us by the educational system, by the church, by our parents... As a kid I rejected it without even thinking about it. Now that I'm a little older, I see how deeply destructive it really is. Even our concepts about romantic love, I think, are destructive; treating people as property is destructive; being jealous of other people is destructive. You know, being jealous is a perfectly natural thing to feel, so it's not about suppressing jealousy, but learning to come to terms with it and to recognize its destructiveness and then to transform it. I'm not saying that I've overcome anything, but I've definitely seen the blinding truth of how imperative it is that we have to overcome these problems.

This whole interview is worth reading. It is the very reason why I enjoy music made from a very emotional and personal place. I know the words of musicians and songwriters like this aren't just thinking shit up to say in songs. Makes the music far more than just sound to me.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

creative people love their art, the rest of those fuckers just want to have a good time. the most innovative minds have always had a devotion to their work, from MLK Jr to Frank fucking Zappa. Its a mental mountain one must climb to do exactly what it is they want to and not sacrifice their representation for potential success. This is why the underground musicians in any genre are the outliers, weirdos, and typically far more unique individuals. They've promised themselves to make music based on what it is they have in their head and need to materialize. And this is why most famous musicians just add a semi-new spin on something already done.
All I need is love, if you can't get me that, get me drunk. - Sole
The good befriend themselves. - Sophocles

Monday, April 5, 2010

On desperation:

How awful must our society be when to be abstract employs an understanding of how much we deserve, and being realistic means knowing you're just another student/worker/parent/person perpetuating a society you probably don't have much of an effect on?

And how awful must we be as people when we cast of those desperate for love as if they're fools or in too large a hurry to live/die? Makes me wonder if we even want love. I mean, does a parent desperate to work get a job and then quit for minuscule reasons? No, so if you wanted love, why would you push away someone desperate to either acquire it or build it with you? All this is merely said in defense of my own actions of the past. I've recently pretty much kept the fact that I'd only want to tell a woman how much I miss her after seeing her once to myself, and I partially regret doing that, even if saying it would mean I'm desperate.

We take each other as such casual necessities. We fuck until we're no longer bored and lonely, or date like we're competing in a tournament. Bullshit.

All these dreams we manifest that only nullify the brilliance of what we have man. Fucking awful. We're truly the undoers of our happiness. We'll swear up and down with a scientific journal documenting our instincts, as if it were our bible, like we're living in wilderness. I don't think early humans had to work on a job for hours at a time, get paid, go to the grocery store or a restaurant, fix the food or wait while someone else to fixes the food, and then eat. They were sloths unless hunting prey or frolicking. Now we act like we're still in those same conditions and judge each other so harshly. A homeless man or woman is probably more of a human than any of us living in a house. I wouldn't blame them if they all turned into cannibals, a socialized human is rather easy prey. And yet with all that we have to worry about in our lives, we can't even see that struggle and misery, though carefully hidden, are the only characteristics the majority of us have in common.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The highest function of the citizen is to serve the state—but the first assumption that meets him, when he essays to discharge it, is an assumption of his disingenuousness and dishonour.

Is it inordinately wasteful, extravagant, dishonest? Then so is every other form of government: all alike are enemies to laborious and virtuous men.

The fraud of democracy, I contend, is more amusing than any other—more amusing even, and by miles, than the fraud of religion. - H.L. Mencken