Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Times are gone for honest men

And sometimes far too long for snakes.
-Cornell, Chris "The God"

At some point, now or centuries into the future, we have to acknowledge the frivolity of the challenges we create. Though we are triumphant, and heroes, and geniuses, and masters of our destinies when we overcome them, they too take away fundamental qualities of life that everyone deserves. And then the only way to help those who need so greatly those very basic, and stolen, joys is to disrupt the very facades we built in the first place. This inevitably ends up being what no one wants to do, because no life is perfect if its lived based on the notion that acceptance is key to sustenance.

Which leads me to my next point, which is the very basis of our doom. To have any faith in humanity is to step aside and out of one's self and believe in a beautiful future our logic, if used in full capacity, could never actually fathom.

We could all eat, but even poor people take too much food. WE could all love, but even people who marry the person of their dreams cheat. We could all have homes, but everyone wants a little more room to pack more shit in.

And each underlying philosophy and ideology that drives what we are motivated to be angered about wrong by is based on the idea that "if everyone would just do it...we'd be fine."

Christians say this, atheists and theists say this, fucking liberals say this, republicans, every fucking group of people amassed with some collective interpretation of reality says this. But these perceptions always have opposition, therefore we will fight each other whether or not we wipe out all life on earth simply because we can't fucking agree on how to live and care for one another. Nor can we love each other without being in perfect unison regarding what it is we live for.

So yea, Black Hole Sun, Sagittarius A*, if you could swallow this poor planet sinking too slowly, I'd be grateful.

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