Monday, September 20, 2010

On moving on

Every relationship ends with the question, “can I and should I seek to have that with another person?” ‘That’ meaning whatever the relationship was like. If the answer is in any way a no, moving on is pretty much nawt going to happen. Eventually it may become a yes, at least for me it has. Godspeed to you if its still a no after months or years. Love and the pursuit of it is one of the few remaining joys. One of the last processes of unification that we need.And to give up on it means I give up on someone else who needs it as much as me. I’m not ready to give up on love or people. Not yet.

I came to the realization a while ago that I’m not worth living for, not alone at least. Thus I must seek to love someone and be kind to people. Kindness as social protest, thats how I see it. Its too many reasons to be a fucked up, insensitive person these days, and I won’t deny it’s a lot easier to do so. But you’ve handed over more of what little hope there is if thats all you’re willing to be in life. I say this not to scrutinize or condescend any cynics or misanthropes, I’ll be cursing humanity again one of these days. But these days I’m making an effort to hold on to the good in me, the faith that there is still altruism and love in people though it is exhibited very rarely. I’m hardly saying its rational, I’m saying its necessary.

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