Friday, July 22, 2011

Commie hating capitalist: Waiting for superman [is a good documentary] if you can tolerate any non commie propaganda...but really all documenteries are one sided propaganda pieces meant to appeal to emotions and weepiness
Me: Opposition to emotions, spoken like a real Rand fand.
Commie hate filled objectivist: Almost all decisions based on emotion end badly.
Me: lol
Commie loathing conservative: Example hemmingway/thompson/cobain​ decisions to orally ingest lead, and plaths decision to easy bake her mellon
Me: I wouldnt doubt that you, especially being a reader of rand, must side with the ''be strong and push through or get the fuck out of life'' group of people who refuse to sympathize for the weak. so i'm quite sure you wouod be being more consistent in with all your opinions if you just said they're better off dead, which would mean their suicides were not ''bad'' ( a subjectively ascribes value based on emotions and motivation that support living) as you have said now, but quite just in fact. if you truly believe they were ''bad'' then you are of course implying that living through suffering would be a better decision, which means you believed they should continue offering themselves and their talents to the world -- forced altruism, is it not? -- or you would believe that they should create their own success and happiness in a system/life that they truly despised. not at lot og sense has been made, in short.

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