I suppose we naturally pursue the more graceful extreme of our emotions which would be happiness. But with that comes the sadness, loneliness, and depression in the absence of the stimuli that gives us that tingly feeling and shit.
So do we really need happiness? Or are we really only willing to love the idea of a thing so much that we hate when they aren't apart of our life and feel entirely at ease when we have it?
For example: love. Everyone gets lonely without it. But when we do have it, from a family member or a partner, we feel whatever the fuck it is and enjoy the fuck out of the moments so much that nothing else matters (yes metallica).
But at the same time, love must be brought on by people. And with people comes disappointment and blahzy blahzy blah.
So why can't we just be fine, not happy or in a state of bliss, with knowing we have shelter and can take care of our basic bodily functions so that we may see another day with enough energy to make it to the next and so on?
I'm slowly but surely getting over all this happiness shit. If i find a girl to love or whatever, so be it. I'll do everything I can for her, but I'm not looking to getting married and having separated sides of the room and having to watch over my possessions because I'm territorial. I'm not looking to be so attached to another person that I'm actually going to worry about their health when its not the best or go insane when they're not around and don't call.
And I'm not digging the idea of sanctioned suffering for the sake of a paycheck. I'd rather enjoy what I do and keep a fucking roof over my head, be it an apartment or a back house.
He travels the fastest who travels alone.- Rudyard Kipling
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