Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shit just got real fucking sexist in here

Women will never understand men. And men will never be able to draw the self-portrait women keep tucked away beneath their dreamy hope. I mostly blame the latter on the former. A man's bound to be honest because it is a man's world if for no other reason than because men are so prone to contributing damage to the world to preserve their own comfort, security, and pleasure. The most bitter of women understand this, and have probably felt it ruin a part of them. The most foolish of women are to blame for all the personality types of femininity; optimistic women and pessimistic women are all variants of the ideal happy woman. The majority of men just want something beautiful to look at that won't leave, and who better to stick around than a trophy wife who doesn't believe in widespread misery?

Who is more prone to leave than a woman who feels there's always something better where she isn't and running from what is will turn her 'what if's' into 'what perfectly is'?

Sexism has its roots buried within us and it will take decades and generations of unadulterated honesty to bring not only an end to sexism, but a beginning to peace. I don't think people in love with an appreciative and reciprocating opposite start wars or give up on all that is living.

I think sexism sheds an at times unbearable light on why we are entirely to blame for the pain we each feel.

This all of course predicates that love truly is the only counterproductive force capable of fighting our progression towards a misanthropic world of isolation and misery. It is also preceded by the assumption that love is valuable or is at least part of our purpose in remaining alive. For the disbelievers of this supposition, I ask what is empty about love? Is the very fact that we are fragile enough to deconstruct bones and tissue just by time's continuity not reason enough to hold on to someone and seek only to make their life fulfilling and enjoyable? Exactly what are we if alone? Isolation and loneliness can really suck the joy out of life and though it is preferable, by me even, to heartbreak or any other type of disappointment, it should not appear beguiling enough to treat people like shit. Especially people who have committed no harm to you.

I extrapolate from that to then present our truth: we are bound for pain, but we must soften each blow with love. Both women and men must be honest as shit. ANd we mustn't allow our mortality, and all the impossibly avoided aesthetic deterioration, mislead our efforts made towards happiness. The relationship of man to women, I believe, is one of the most prevalent determinants of what the future will hold.

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