Friday, June 3, 2011

Children should not be taught to dream of a perfect world. Fostering such foresight of adulthood is detrimental to the mental health of a child. Not only does it absolve large portions of responsibility that one takes for their own actions, but it ensures that people will be perpetually, or quite frequently, disappointed by their fellow human beings, and vice versa, because no human being is perfect. What children should be taught is to recognize solutions and recourse; they should be encouraged to think not of a perfect world, but how to perfect this world. There is no achievable end when one imagines perfection, and that is because becoming perfect is the perpetual goal of a good person. I cannot help but think of the hypocrisy unwittingly bestowed in an individual who appraises insecure, idiotic public figures as more admirable than the people who approach life with humility and gratitude. Such qualities as those are a rarity among famous people. ANd it means that such qualities are devalued among lesser known people

A shitty poet is one who has not configured an actual, demonstrably valid philosophy or the ability to impart knowledge while utilizing literary devices efficiently….but he is a good rapper.

If we willingly separate art from the culture that surrounds and engendered it, then we have made our society far worse off than we would if we sought to unite the two. most people aren’t happy or successful, yet most pop and art in general is. does no one see the ill fated reasoning in this?

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