Its not completely the fault of celebrities though, they are human as well, and (most likely) applied themselves to get there. I blame the media for putting them on a pedestal.
So many people would rather idolize figures in the media rather than become someone worth idolizing. And when I say "become someone worth idolizing", I don't mean becoming someone who is already idolized (e.g. plastic surgery). I mean, making an impact in THEIR hometowns and overcoming their own self-proclaimed insurmountable odds. Women would rather read fashion magazines, and copy trends until they convince themselves through subtle brainwashing that they actually ARE Paris Hilton. Guys would rather listen to rappers and rock stars, obsessing with fashion and pussy until they convince themselves they ARE Lil Wayne or whoever that douche is that sings lead for BuckCherry.
Its not even like its that difficult either, the greater the need for change wherever someone lives or whoever someone is, the more opportunity there is for that person to make a difference. So if someone is in that position, you can either help facilitate a solution to change things, or just kill yourself. If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem, and living in misery affects everyone. So take one for the team and just call it a life.
If you have kids, make yourself someone worth looking up to, or you might as well just let music and TV raise your child. If you don't have kids, become a role model for a kid who looks up to these hollow artists/actors/athletes, in order to motivate yourself to become a better person. People who aren't content with themselves may not be the happiest people in the world (e.g. me!) but I sure as hell don't give up.
My mom told me that our generation is the "disposable generation". At first I took offense, but now I understand. Most of us would rather look for something new, than improve upon what we're not satisfied with. This is a sugarcoated way of describing it though, we are a generation of "quitters". Refusing to show patience, and leaving when things get rough. What we don't realize is that what we leave behind when we commit to this process, is building up, and slowly but negatively affecting life and the world as we know it.
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