Sunday, June 28, 2009

On being and knowing you're being.

"To know nothing about yourself is to live. To know yourself badly is to think. To know yourself in a flash, as I did in this moment, is to have a fleeting notion of the inanimate monad, the soul's magic word. But the sudden light scorches everything, consumes everything. It strips us naked of even ourselves."

Its been a few times I've had this feeling or thought, a moment when you suddenly don't feel human. Instead, I feel I'm watching a human and subjecting myself to a risky punishment for the sake of a pleasure I might obtain sometime in the future. I think thats the only moment of truth anyone can really have. You can enjoy looking at the sunset, or watching some sports or something dissembling in its beauty, but its just a sensory experience. There's nothing in it but familiarity or something fairly not experienced often.

With that feeling I described, you, for a moment, can feel free. YOu're notthinking about who your friends see you as or who your parents want you to be, you're just this thing capturing every glimpse of an idea you've ever had and seeing what it's made 'you'.

I'm only saying this all to help further enlighten people about the frivolity we behold as so magnificent, epic, and worth enduring. We shouldn't have to at times feel like we have somehow escaped figments of threats. We don't have to judge ourselves.

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