Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dr. Bruce Weigl

He happens to be a mentor of mine as well as a travelled poet and has almost seven published anthologies of his poetry. He's a fifty five year old white man who fought in the Vietnam War. He married a Vietnamese woman and adopted a Vietnamese daughter. For his age group and ethnicity it is strange to think that he would be such a hip hop fan, but he is. I was reading through some of his poetry today and came across this for the hip hop brethren:

Elegy for Biggie Smalls
By Bruce Weigl

Mad bullets crack through limousine windows
at the corner of bad and mad the saddest day when big men fall
how they recall the bullet torn morning
the bass so high to die that way
is not music but you may use it in your mind you may find

the beat there the thing that slips away there
no one stays at the edge too long there's no song
that can keep you or defeat you no one to beseech you
to step back from the edge when you're Big.

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