"Music's gotten impersonal, hip hop persona's gotten vain,
so mcs i ain't feeling you if i don't know your real name.
hip hop ain't dead, the industry isn't wack, indy hip hop is a demo fair.
keep your sights set, what you wanna move rats, minds, or posteriors"
- Sole
I couldn't have said it better myself. Music isn't just about entertainment or satiating one's urge to have a fucking hobby. Unfortunately, its became nothing else but that in the state of what is now mainstream hip hop. Some rappers attempt to make fans think introspectively, but most just try to get their posteriors moving to a beat. Its fucked up to say the least.
"A million bleeding hearts composing prose in blood to live and die a thousand times."
Artists no longer live through their music. They no longer even need to make music if for nothing else than to get a check and get the approval of their peers. Hip hop is hardly even an art anymore. The message is lost in a cesspool of wordplay meant to get heads nodding and compliments thrown into the ego of the speaker.
"Your private parts are being touched. And forcibly at that.
Its ok, feel violated, anything but entertained."- Doseone
I'll now state the obvious: most artists don't give a fuck about their fans. They couldn't care less about the populace of devoted entertainees unless they were supporting them. This is why artists suddenly disappear when their one hit wonder can't carry their weak ass momentum. They no longer believe making music is worth it if a million people won't buy their album weekly. They're just taking advantage of people's desire to have fun. Our innate plight for an ever pleasureful life.
"You're making music to drop a penny into and immediately end the contact" - Alias
Whenever I think of people saying that music is just entertainment, I can only compare music to art as in drawing and so on. The most revered artists were typically crazy and created cathartic efforts expressing their very soul; expressing their being in a tangible form. 2pac did just that. Sole does that. Wu-Tang did that, specifically Ghostface. And countless others that have either dropped out of the raptastic rat race or gone the underground, lesser known, respect driven route.
My biggest problem is that these are the most talented and only truly worthy people who should go platinum and be the ones on MTV and BET and VH1 getting respect. Solely because they wouldn't go spend all their working on a fucking car or chain. They'd actually add something to this intrinsically pessimistic and cruel world we live in. They wouldn't donate to a charity once in a while or when they get bored. And they wouldn't give to releif funds just because its in the news. They'd give just as their art gives. But instead, we have nothing but rappers like Souljah Boy and fucking Young JEezy and Wayne to appraise our rap standards according to. Which leads me to my final point about music in general: if you haven't listened to music thats made you question the way you think about life and/or music, then you taking not utilizing the medium. Its like reading children's books your whole life that reiterate optimism and carelessness in order to maintain a smile and be productive for the sake of being productive instead of growing the fuck up and reading some Nietzche and Freud to extrapolate your ideas about living and what human beings are. A kid will say a human is what they do, an intellectual will say a human is what motives they're composed of.
"Whats content is OURS to define" - Doseone.
I recently went to a Modest Mouse concert and felt like I must have been the only one who truly loved the band for their art. I mean, they perform for a crowd of people who will sing along to misanthropic lyrics like its a pop song. This being my lead in to another point: people hardly feel music itself is something that should help them develop. People will listen to an artist bemoan their life and sing that shit with a smile on their face everytime like its a joyous piece of satiety for them to bite off of. Its bullshit. I think one of musuc's ultimate goals should be to provide new thoughts or at least the representation of potentially beneficial thoughts to people who otherwise may not experience them. I hope this can someday happen, but I know it won't because that would require far too much thought and self-examination for the average person. Fucked up, its far beyond.
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