Monday, February 23, 2009

What will we shame ourselves with the memory of later?

Today in my Behavioral Research class I started thinking about all the things that we look back and now realize were foolish things to do. People do this in their own lives as they grow old and say some act as a teenager was wrong as it was in the throes of some impulse they couldn't resist.

But on a larger level, society does the same thing. People used to have frontal lobotomies performed on them and no one knew the adverse effects of it simply because scientific study wasn't advanced enough.

I find it a bit troubling to know that we are now putting people through unnecessary pain in some way that we will later see the foolishness of. I hate to sound like the disgruntled agnostic man, but I think all the religious acts people do put individuals in enough pain and may be the first thing we soon notice is cruel and not needed. There are many other things, I'm sure. BUt this is the only one I can think of. Don't be misguieded though, this was not the point of this post. I'm jusdt wondering what will we reminisce about and find it troubling to think about later that we now seek comfort and solace in doing.

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