Thursday, February 26, 2009


Some of my old poetry....

I, Robot

A storm builds dramatically within my ribcage.
Dark clouds consume my lungs, giving them a shade resemblant of pewter.
My heartbeat changes its frequency to that of thunder, each beat rattling my bones.
Lightening charges my heart's chambers, shocking the contents and solidifying the frame into that of steel.
Electricity shoots through my arteries, converting their structure into wires.
No longer capable of compassion, my only priority is to keep the current running.
I drain my mind of cares for good by crying my last tears.


Life is a trip, some just have a different journey.
Stress buckles me down into a seat of solitary plush.
Getting ready to ride shotgun, while I sweat bullets into bucket seats.
I shift in my seat nervously, and clutch the dashboard firmly.
He takes off, I hold on.
He's doing doughnuts in circles, its eating me alive. Each time he peels out, I shed a layer of patience with this trip.
I'm in the dark about his identity. He pulls into the interstate and we swerve with the headlights off.
The tires are squealing, and I am screaming for help....

I wake up in immense pain, trapped in a vehicle that's upside down.
As my vision fades, I just have to make one thing clear....

I look next to me, what is revealed shatters my remaining sanity....

self reflection.


Her breathe stutters, and my beat of hearts follows suit.
Even through cellular towers, I know her poker face is gone.
She has bluffed death, poverty, and everyone else til now.
A couple chips on the table, enough to ante up each hand.
"Never fold son...", this veteran advises me in this tournament.
An idea that with the right spades, you can dig for diamonds.
Place your bets, but she never gets lost in the shuffle of life.
Priorities of winning are above the fold, at least to her.
Insufficient pocket cash, but optimistic about fortune's turns.
The kind of personality that still raises eyebrows in awe.
This time....I was afraid the river would come from her eyes.
She dropped her hand on the table, and my heart went all in.
I'm coming mom, and we are going to win that bracelet.

Theres always the next hand. Always.

Knights of Pathology

A dragon dwells in the depths of my conscience. His circadium rhythm is the beat my behavior dances to.
He sets aflame my thought process with a breathe that stinks of anger . At the same time he freezes my train of thought in a cold tundra of this bitterness.
My eye sockets become furnaces that cremate any expression that is close to being interpreted as "I'm Friendly."
I fucking hate living, being, existing while he picks apart all opportunities and friendships with claws of inconsideration.
No, I'm not O.K., I don't even know who the fuck that is. So just quit asking me.
I'm sorry, but you can call me asshole for short.
I don't remember when or how this creature crept in my cranium but I know he is dormant less than he is active.
My conscience is getting singed from continuous exposure to high heat and I fear permanent damage.
But man, until then....

if you can't stand the heat, get out of my fuckin way.

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